Magdalene Mysteries

About Nicole

In the last 15 or so years of her life, Nicole Christine established the Magdalene Mysteries School™, the Awakening the Priestess Process™, and the Sacred Order of Venus Templars™.

As an Adult Educator, Human Rights Activist, and Peace Advocate, she has worked extensively with the international immigrant population, promoted multi-cultural educational programs, and developed Global Citizen projects. She expresses her love for life by holding all aspects of life as sacred, holding the immaculate concept of the fulfillment of humanity’s highest destiny, and sharing her mystical journey through writing.

Nicole authored Temple of the Living Earth, My Ascension Journal, the Venus Temples Manual, and Under Her Wings: The Making of a Magdalene.

Nicole Christine, who was ordained in the Madonna Ministry in 1986, ceremonially deepened her commitment to the Goddess in 1990 and spent the next two years discovering what it means to be a priestess in these times in the Temple of the Living Earth. In 1992, she sourced the Priest/ess Process ™, totally unaware that hundreds of women and men would be drawn to this work or that, for many, it would be a portal to the Magdalene Mysteries ™.

In the Spring of 1996, Nicole and numerous other priestesses committed to a Pilgrimage to Wholeness with the intent to heal the sexual/spiritual split in the feminine psyche, to heal the separation of the feminine and masculine, and to reactivate the sacred erotic. Nicole, with two other priestesses, outwardly enacted this intent in a three-month European journey to sacred sites that included sanctuaries of Mary Magdalene. Priestess sisters at home held sacred space for them and inwardly made the journey. Male allies stood with them in consciousness.

Near the end of this journey, on the Greek Isle of Lesbos, Nicole received a sexual mysteries matrix that gave form to a Magdalene Mysteries School. This sacred work re-established the consciousness of the sexual priestess as one who embodies the sexual mysteries and heals the wounds caused by the severing of sexuality and spirituality. Since this conception, hundreds of initiated High Priestesses and many initiated High Priests have, in groups and as solitaires, reclaimed wholeness through the Sacred Union Mysteries of the Magdalene and the Christ.

“Spirituality is not about being pious.
It is about fully engaging life in whatever ways it presents itself.”

Nicole Christine said about her book Under Her Wings – “This tale is my personal Pilgrimage to Wholeness, according to the As Within, So Without Mysteries. To read these pages is to venture forth on your own pilgrimage. Eons ago, Woman and Man journeyed into time and space to individuate, to explore and expand Creation. We are now on our return journey Home to Source, gathering in all parts of Self that fragmented off in exploration. In this doing and being, we, the Many, bring our treasures of discovery to the One Who becomes more because of our journey, our return. It matters not what you think of what is written herein. Dear pilgrim, it matters only that you re-member and come Home.
At times, what you read may offend your sensibilities or will be glamorized, misinterpreted, judged, or even condemned. Personally I have difficulty speaking or writing some of my story; particularly regarding sexuality and my even more intimate discoveries of the divine. Yet there is freedom in reading and writing and in speaking and hearing what is considered unspeakable. So I ask you to journey forward with me that we might all be set free.

Other times, you may be struck, as I am, by the way my entire life seems to have been orchestrated so I might write this Review of an Age, this reflection on an era of planetary awakening. Though an idealistic mid-westerner may seem an unlikely figure to gather shattered fragments of feminine and racial consciousness, who would be more in need of restoring the world of the Dark Madonna, the Magdalene, shunned for twenty centuries as whore? Yet, I could not piece my own life together until I saw it through the eyes of the Magdalene. Through her eyes, I could see how the sexual abuse I experienced in my childhood and the subsequent sexual addiction – combined with a deep need to love and be loved – prepared me to help mend the collective soul of woman. I invite you to help find the broken shards of this feminine vessel that must be restored – for only when woman is whole and complete unto herself can she receive a man in his authentic wholeness.”

Woman, behold the Christ in man.
Man, behold the Magdalene in woman.
Thus you will realize Sacred Union.

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